Monday, January 30, 2012

Supergirl #4

I'm really enjoying this title.  It's pretty close to how I believe some people would act when presented with real aliens.  Maybe a little exaggerated, but it's the medium.

Things I liked: that someone stood up for her.

Things I didn't like: he continued questioning of Kal.  I get it.  I just think she needs to take the bull by the horns more.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Legion of Super-Heroes #4

Well, there's the first arc of Legion done and it didn't catch. I liked a lot of the characters but the story wanted me to be better acquainted with them than I was.

Things I liked: the coaching of Chemical Lad to win the day.

Things I didn't like: too many stories to get a good idea of who the Legion is and what they do.

Green Lantern Corps #4

In Green Lantern Sinestro is busy trying to explain that the Corps is not a police force and here, it's totally being presented as one.  Or maybe the military.  Either way, it's not the way Sinestro wants it to be.

Things I liked: all Guy knows is Bad Cop.

Things I didn't like: when the lanterns go somewhere it's actually a place and that's why these things aren't affected by the power.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

DC Universe Presents #4

This seems to be the storyline that just keeps going.  I thought it would have moved on to someone else by now but no dice.

Things I liked: the conversation between Deadman and the Son of Morning was really well done and interesting.

Things I didn't like: Rama getting ready to lay the hammer down.  Not looking forward to next issue.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Catwoman #4

She's kind of down on herself. Must be why she gets on so well with Batman.

Things I liked: that she's able to lie with a straight face.

Things I didn't like: she's sort of throwing it all away on guilt here. Seems out of character.

Young Justice #12

Much better outing than last time. This one is a look behind the show.

Things I liked: that the story was a series of flashbacks. Each one looking back just a little bit further.

Things I didn't like: shoehorning Clayface into a love story about Talia and Batman. He was an actor, not an assassin.

Wonder Woman #5

OK, so I'm still not completely behind Diana as a daughter of Zeus but it is opening some interesting story avenues.  Her brother should really remember that Hermes also brought souls to the Underworld.  He really looks like he wants to make use of that job right about now.

Things I liked: Poseidon's look is amazing.  And his attitude is pretty good too.

Things I didn't like: whatever her brother is doing in the sewers could have used a bit more explanation.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Red Hood and the Outlaws #5

And a little break to show the Roy Harper isn't a complete jerk.

Things I liked: Roy's fight with the alien hater and the little scene with Kori afterward.  Put some humanity back into the character.

Things I didn't like: Jason being all mystical.  It just doesn't seem like him.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Nightwing #5

Nightwing versus demon.  Felt like a filler issue so the main plot didn't move along too quickly.  I was hoping there would be a little more connection between the book and what's happening to him and something in New Orleans.

Things I liked: I love the art in this book.

Things I didn't like: so his new girlfriend is going to betray him, huh?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Batman #5

Can't tell if printing error or experience.  I'm going with reading experience.  Something that would have been totally lost reading this in digital.  The configuration of the pages lent a certain something to the story.  It made me feel like Batman was slowly losing his mind.

Things I liked: the last three panels where Damian demands that the Bat Signal remain lit only to deflate into a please and then a silent hand on the shoulder from Gotham.  Scott Snyder has such a better handle on the character than Batman and Robin.  He actually recognises that Damian has grown over the past year.

Things I didn't like: I don't know where the Court of Owls could have him in Gotham that he wouldn't be able to escape in less than 8 days.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Superboy #4

Since I'm reading Teen Titans it's like I'm getting the future of Superboy as well.  So I knew he was going to go back to N.O.W.H.E.R.E (which I find out they're no even going to try to explain the acronym) and start the hunt for super powered teens.  I just wasn't sure how.  I'm not sure I'm satisfied with this explanation.

Things I liked: the look on Superboy's face while he was being subjected to carolers.

Things I didn't like: he's being completely manipulated.  Very obviously.  Maybe it'll be Red Robin who points this out to him but I'm surprised Superboy's not a little more sceptical.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Resurrection Man #4

When I started this title I thought that him dying every issue or so would get old fast.  It hasn't yet.  I'm still interested to see where this story is going.

Things I liked: I watch Supernatural I know that angels can be bad news.

Things I didn't like: this was mostly a fighting issue.  The title has made me expect more.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Legion Lost #4

I think they finally realised that not everyone had read the original series and was getting a little lost with the characters.  Now I know what Dawnstar's and Tyrroc's powers are.  The others were a bit more obvious.

Things I liked: Timber Wolf's snarkiness is what brings me back to this title.

Things I didn't like: Dawnstar is a hard character to like.  She seems so boring and most of her inner thoughts are complaints.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Grifter #4

Seems like a round about way to give Green Arrow some purpose.

Things I liked: I keep hoping for something other than pure violence. I almost got it.

Things I didn't like: missed the opportunity to be something other than violent.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Green Lantern #4

Sinestro has a heart, who would have thought? And his people are either really short sighted or he completely screwed them over.

Things I liked: that in Hal's last moments he was thinking of Carol. Yet he still retained enough sarcasm to snark on Sunestro.

Things I didn't like: not a fan of torture. They already had the power down cells.

Demon Knights #4

The story behind the Shining Knight.  Sort of.  It doesn't explain why she's a girl posing as a boy, unless he really just is a boy.  He (or she) was a squire at Camelot whom Merlin took pity on.  Instead of letting her (him) die Merlin let him (her) take a sip from the Holy Grail.

Things I liked: Vandal Savage's asides while the Shining Knight is having her (his) vision.

Things I didn't liked: Merlin seemed a bit scatter brained.  "You see, I had this incredibly powerful relic, and I put it somewhere where it would be safe and er... I can't seem to remember where that was."

Monday, January 16, 2012

Batwoman #4

This book is one of contrasts.  In the top panels of most of the book (done nearly entirely as two page spreads) Kate and Maggie spend the night making love.  While the bottom panels reveal Bette (Flamebird) being beaten to death by thugs.  It's very jarring to have these two composed this way.  It makes the violence seem almost more violent because of the tenderness that's just been read.

Things I liked: it doesn't shy away from portraying a lesbian relationship.

Things I didn't like: Bette being beaten to death and the officials who find her only caring about how they can track down Batman's identity.  I get that there's a group that want to know who he is, but I would expect some human decency as well.  Plus, the sidekick being beaten to death has been done.

Batman and Robin #5

This storyline is screaming for Nightwing's attention.  That bit where Bruce is dictating his letter to Damian and he says that he knows they'll never throw a ball around behind the Manor it's because he hasn't made the time.  Dick would have made the time.

Things I liked: that Morgan was breastfed.  It's a small thing but to just be reading through and see a depiction of breastfeeding in mainstream media is refreshing.

Things I didn't like: Bruce's sentimentality.  I agree with him that this is entirely his fault, but I don't like that he feels he has to write a sappy letter to his son to make it better.  It doesn't feel like him.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Batgirl #5

New villain.  One I think is a lot better than the last one.  Simone really seems to like the "damaged" villains.  Maybe it's just Gotham.  I like that Batman is getting an unconventional guest spot.  Bruce Wayne is important to Gotham too.

Things I liked: the art and script continue to be sharp and engaging.

Things I didn't like: looks like Commissioner Gordon has heard that Barbara's mom is back in town.  He's dyed his hair.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Swamp Thing #4

Oh, this looks bad. Slaughthouses and kids that control dead things are not a good combination. Iy's interesting that both the red and the rot have a child as their chosen champion but the green has an adult.

Things I liked: the full panel after Alec's dream with him in life and Abby in death.

Things I didn't like: I wish William were just a little bit older.

Stormwatch #4

I keep hearing that Midnighter and Apollo are gay.  I'm curious if the new 52 is going to carry that into their new universe and I keep reading this series to see if they will.  I think the first instance may have occured this issue.  It was certainly a tender moment anyway.

The first arc is over and I still feel like I barely know these characters.  I think I can now name most of them and tell you what they can do but not really who they are.  The second arc looks to be heading out on a totally different direction and I've heard good things about it so I'm thinking I'm sticking around for at least that issue.  I'd like to give it a chance, but I'm having trouble with it.

Things I liked: Midnighter taking charge.

Things I didn't like: what the hell was Adam-One talking about?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hawk and Dove #4

I just read the list of titles that DC is cancelling to make way for the second wave of the new 52.  Hawk and Dove is on that list.  I'm not completely surprised.  I'm a little disappointed, but only a little.  It was interesting to get a bit more insight into what makes Hawk and Dove avatars of war and peace but I felt it could have gone a bit deeper.  They also lost a lot of the interaction between Hawk and Dove and that partnership is always what made these two characters I wanted to read.

Things I liked: Condor's explanation about why he was after them.

Things I didn't like: Deadman screaming for Dove to save him.  He's been a ghost for a long time now, he knows what's going on.  This seemed very out of character for him.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Batwing #4

Im torn on this one. I'm sort of curious about how the arc ends but I don't really like the story. Next issue is Batman, but I don't know if it's wroth it.

Things I liked: the mystery is interesting. But not enough.

Things I didn't like: child army. I think it's trying too hard to be topical.

Animal Man #4

This title has me on the edge of my seat every month! It's so hard not to download the next issue when I know it's out there.

Things I liked: Ignatious/ Socks is going to be a good addition.

Things I didn't like: I have a 6 year old who's not as aware as Maxine. Maybe it's because he's a boy.

Detective Comics #5

Still waiting to find out what happened to the Joker. I can't imagine him looking somewhat normal. I don't think they can pull off the Heath Ledger look.

Things I liked: bringing life to comics. The Occupy Goham movement in support of the Joker is something I could see happen.

Things I didn't like: the bait and switch cover. The penguin doesn't make an appearance until the last page.

Justice League International #5

This is the end of the first arc for this title. Overall, I'm impressed but I was a little disappointed with how this ended. I hope Batman leaves the League in Booster's hands. There's already a little too much Batman on the market. I hope Godiva continues ruthlessly flirting with Booster. I like seeing him squirm. I hope Guy sticks around. His relationship with Ice is interesting and I want to see if it develops. August General in Iron and Rocket Red seem to have put their differences aside for now but I hope it hasn't been resolved this easily. That just leaves Fire and Vixen who could honestly use a bit of development.

Things I liked: Guy keeping Booster honest. I do like to see him squirm.

Things I didn't like: Peraxis flying off into space. That means we might have to see this uninspired villain again.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Superman #3

So the voice for the exposé on Superman wasn't nearly as corny as the piece by Clark Kent. Maybe that is Perez's voice for him.

Things I liked: the pace of the story is really good. There are moments of reflection and then some action all building up the mystery.

Things I didn't like: Ma and Pa Kent are dead again.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Savage Hawkman

Hmmm... Again, I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I'm intrigued by the plot, but I'm not drawn back to it. I guess I'll see how the arc ends.

Things I liked: Carter's taking control of the hawk.

Things I didn't like: the new powers he keeps getting.

Justice League Dark #3

I really like the build this has going. Just a little more is revealed each issue.

Things I liked: Constantine using Zatanna's magic.

Things I didn't like: Deadman and June getting close. He was just dumped.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Green Lantern: New Guardians #3

Looks like next issue is the end of the arc and it really depends on ow it ends up as to whether I stick with it. I wasn't that impressed with this issue. The series has a strong start but this one was a little weak.

Things I liked: Salak's construct disapating.

Things I didn't like: was Kyle completely drained at one pont? It looked like the rings had sucked off meat.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Teen Titans #4

This one was so much fun to read.  From Superboy's Cassie's inner thoughts during their fight to Bart and Tim arguing about clothes.  The other three (whose names I'm still trying to learn) are bonding nicely as well and this looks to be a good team book.

Things I liked: Kid Flash showing up to the fight wearing an old Robin costume.

Things I didn't like:  I miss Wally.  While I'm glad he's not this young Flash I want to know where Bart came from and if Wally exists anywhere in the new 52.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight #4

Batman continues his romp through his rogues' gallery with Deathstroke and Scarecrow. Well, not that Deathstroke is really one of his villains but I think Finch is trying to see how many cameos he can fit into this first arc. Wonder Woman and the Flash also make an appearance.

Things I liked: Batman's internal dialogue in this one. I kind of guessed that we would be seeing the Scarecrow in here somewhere because it was all about his fears but I liked how it was presented.

Things I didn't like: plot holes still exist in this story. Like what's the White Rabbit doing hanging around where the Batplane launches?