Friday, March 20, 2015

Future's End #41

Still not over.

Things I liked: Tim's got attitude.

Things I didn't like: this was my least favourite of the many, many plots.

Grayson #7

I wish Dick were in more series.

Things I liked: it was all talk.  Most of the issue was debate and internal conflict.

Things I didn't like: Dick's a good person.  I don't know if he's that good a person.

Detective Comics #39

Manapul excels at creating mood.

Things I liked: Batman and Bullock have such an interesting relationship.

Things I didn't like: the Ararky/Alice connection.

Batman Eternal #44

I liked this one a lot.

Things I liked: it had movement and urgency.  Something this title has been lacking.

Things I didn't like: it's almost at the end and we still have no idea who's doing this.

Green Arrow #39

Poor Felicity.

Things I liked: how happy she was that someone came.

Things I didn't like: adding Cheetah.

Future's End #40

I hate Superman, but that final panel was payoff.

Things I liked: that it did take massive destruction to get Superman off his ass.

Things I didn't like:  I've lost track of where the story is supposed to be going.

Batman #38

Creepy, just creepy.

Things I liked: he's learning.  Admitting to Dick he doesn't have a plan is a huge step.

Things I didn't like: I still feel it's too big.