Sunday, March 31, 2013

Vibe #1

I really enjoyed this one... Right up until the last few panels.

Things I liked: nice origin. I don't know what Vibe was before (Justice League Detroit was not something I read) but I like him here.

Things I didn't like: I don't like how Waller uses people. I have no idea how she can justify locking up people. Although, it was nice to see that Gypsey will have a place in the new 52.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Green Lantern: New Guardians #17

Bleh. This visiting all the lanterns and letting them relive their worst nightmares is getting old. And it's only been two issues.

Things I liked: Kyle's a romantic at heart? I don't know, I'm stretching.

Things I didn't like: why? Why is this even an event?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

DC Universe Presents #17

Yay! It's Roy!

Things I liked: Roy's inner monologue. He's got a great wit.

Things I didn't like: still don't like his Killer Croc connection. I miss his friendship with Dick.

Catwoman #17

A fun art heist, that's what I like about Catwoman.

Things I liked: that she admitted most thieves are not of the cat burglar variety.

Things I didn't like: I don't like the Milo subplot. I can see where it's going.

Batwoman #17

Batwoman is written differently than a lot of the other superhero comics. The end of this issue really felt like the end of a short story or novel. With the next story having very little connection to the one just finished.

Things I liked: she finally told Maggie. About time.

Things I didn't like: the story seemed too epic for Gotham. There are a bunch of other heroes I the city, but none of them mentioned giant monsters.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Arrow #24

Just fuel for the fire of Ollie and Felicity.

Things I liked: Felicity is a fun character. I do really like she and Ollie have a connection.

Things I didn't like: he's so bad when it comes to a secret identity.

Nightwing #18

Oh man, sucks for Dick. He thought he had it all behind him and his family's killer is still alive? I can see why he's jetting off to Chicago now.

Things I liked: Dick's taking Damian's death as hard as I hoped he would. Most of this story has him in civilian gear which is always nice to see. His speech at the grave put a tear in my eye.

Things I didn't like: art wasn't great. It had some nice touches for Dick's apartment but some of the lips were just weird.

Justice League of America #2

Stargirl has braces. That's too cute.

Things I liked: the interaction of Vibe and Hawkman. It as only three panels, with only one panel of dialogue, but it made me laugh out loud.

Things I didn't like: they are a misfit band. I don't know how they'll be effective.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Red Hood and the Outlaws #18

The middle of the book was meh but the beginning and end sold it.

Things I liked: Bruce hugging Jason at the end. It said so much with so little.

Things I didn't like: the whole All-Caste thing. It adds a level that I don't think Jason needs.

Justice League #18

Opening up the League membership seems like a good idea. I feel it will go horribly wrong.

Things I liked: Nightwing's hostility to Batman. I feel unresolved issues creeping in.

Things I didn't like: the Atom's a girl now?

Wonder Woman #18

I hope Orion sticks around. I like him.

Things I liked: Diana's character. Demeter is right, she's both a warrior and a kind soul. Something Ares can't understand.

Things I didn't like: I don't know where this First Born thing is going. Nowhere seems to be the direction right now.

Threshold #2

I think something bigger is coming. There's a couple of threads that need to be woven together.

Things I liked: yay! It's Jaime Reyes. I've missed him.

Things I didn't like: enough with Larfleeze. Not a fan.

Superboy #17

Superboy is going to be a hero whether he wants to or not.

Things I liked: Superboy's snarkiness. It's refreshing.

Things I didn't like: there's always something bigger. And it looks like Galactus. Looking for originality DC!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Ravagers #9

I hope this'd starts to go somewhere soon. There's too much meandering for me.

Things I liked: I like Beast Boy and Thunder, everyone else is on thin ice.

Things I didn't like: I don't get it. Are they hiding, are they the hunted or are they hunting? They need to decide what these Ravagers are.

Katana #1

Never been a fan of Katana. That hasn't changed.

Things I liked: she's got a bit of the crazy that will make her interesting in Justice League of America.

Things I didn't like: overly melodramatic. It's like a crazy Japanese soap opera.

Green Lantern Corps #17

Boring. That's my take on this one.

Things I liked: it was almost interesting to get a better look at Guy, but I don't like how they did it.

Things I didn't like: the First Lantern. If we're going to get issues and issues of this guy there better be payoff.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Demon Knights #18

The whole Etrigan/Jason Blood/Xanadu triangle creeps me out.

Things I liked: art was very good this issue. And very bloody.

Things I didn't like: the army moves too fast. I know the Amazons will repel the vampires. But if they're only traveling by night, they shouldn't be able to move quite as fast as they are.

Arrow #23

Too bad. And otherwise excellent story is ruined by reality.

Things I liked: Oliver's ruminations one is own character are always a good read. He knows he's not a good man. He's just trying to do what's best for the city.

Things I didn't like: cougars do not attack full grown men. Ollie's just too big for it. Unless the animal is starving, or Ollie's injured, it will stay away from him. If its starving, no problem for Ollie to take it down. Thus, the bulk of the issue had me shaking my head.

Batman #18

I was wondering what was going to happen to "Batman and Robin" now that Damian is dead. Apparently he's got another Robin in the wings.

Things I liked: I do like Harper. She's reminds me a little too much of Tim when he joined the Bat family but she's not useless.

Things I didn't like: she's a little sappy. Taking over the lights of Wayne Tower to spell something out to Batman is on the dumb side.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Batgirl #18

Not as powerful as Batman and Robin this month. But I think that one is going to blow all the others out of the water.

Things I liked: that once she found out Damian was dead the first person she called was Dick.

Things I didn't like: she sets blown up and then tracks down the killer without any pain medication. I find that a little unbelievable.

Batman and Robin #18

Amazing, beautiful, emotional. There's not a single word spoken or thought through the whole issue and It still had me in tears even before Bruce found the letter.

Things I liked: it takes a lot of confidence I your artist to let him totally have the reins on an issue. This was so very, very well done.

Things I didn't like: I can't believe Damian is dead. If they bring him back too soon it'll feel like wasted effort but I can't think that they'll leave him dead.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Worlds' Finest #9

It would have been great except for one little thing.

Things I liked: it's going into the history of these two and how they got here.

Things I didn't like: Helena lost her cast and sling! Between pages they opulent keep track of it. I hate when that happens.

Swamp Thing #17

It's pretty much as I feared. They're going to make things normal by making them as if they never happened at all.

Things I liked: the battle to get the Batbot up was good. The right amount of tension.

Things I didn't like: it's like "It's a Wonderful World".

Superboy Annual #1

I should have read this one before Superman but I figured it was just their adventures in nether space. I was right.

Things I liked: the two of them getting to know one another. Superboy has Clark pegged, and that's annoying hi enough that I fi d it amusing.

Things I didn't like: although he complained that Kal was too composed, he was showing remarkable composure himself. Pot calling the kettle black.

Superman #17

I wish Kara wasn't so dumb. Of course whatever H'El's sling is going to cause great destruction. That's the way time travel works.

Things I liked: Batman's comment to Superboy. He should have a better idea why Red Robin is the way he is.

Things I didn't like: mostly that Kara has the dumb on. Give her a taste of home and she stops asking questions.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Green Lantern #17

This is payoff. I've struggled through pages of this story and finally it's worth it.

Things I liked: the reconstruction of Mogo was the climax for me. It had loads of emotional intensity, especially considering Mogo being a planet and all.

Things I didn't like: that it moves right in to another crossover. Too many of these happening.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Green Lantern Corps Annual #1

Epic. I wasn't sure where this arc was going, but this climax is epic.

Things I liked: it all came together so well. I didn't read any of the Red Lantern crossovers but I don't think I missed much. Even Gardner was impressive!

Things I didn't like: that it moves right into another crossover.

Earth 2 #9

I like this world's Jay Garret, but he makes me miss Wally West.

Things I liked: Jay's still learning this superhero thing and it shows.

Things I didn't like: why is Kendra using a rocket launcher inside a tiny cabin? That's just dumb.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dial 'H' for Hero #9

I really hope this is leading up to something. It seems to be going over and over the same thing.

Things I liked: Nelson's joy in the secret lair. It was a silly place.

Things I didn't like: stalling. This feels like its being drawn out just to be longer.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Arrow #22

I love that Starling City is so close to Bludhaven. Feels like the wrong side of the country but it gives me hope that Nightwing will make an appearance. Or it's the excuse for using all the old Batman villains.

Things I liked: Lawton's stone cold. When he put on the red eye on the show I screamed like a fan girl.

Things I didn't like: I have a feeling that I'm supposed to recognize the surgeon here, but I don't.

Animal Man #17

I'm still not sure how they're going to get everything back to normal

Things I liked: never underestimate Batman indeed.

Things I didn't like: I see what they did to Maxine, but I'm completely lost as to which monster was Abby.

Detective Comics #18

They did it! They really killed Damian. I thought it might be a ruse but I don't think he's faking.

Things I liked: Batman having to wait to take down Penguin. He was forced to get the evidence first.

Things I didn't like: Emperor Penguin. I think the whole idea is dumb.

Green Arrow #18

Creepy little girls are creepy. Most villains wait until their daughter is out before committing violent acts. Not this guy.

Things I liked: when they want to take everything away from Ollie they sure don't mess around!

Things I didn't like: Steve Trevor is worried about what the public thinks of the JLA when he made Catwoman a member?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Talon #4

I like how things from All-Star Western keep showing up in this series.

Things I liked: aside from one panel I really liked the art this issue. It flowed very well and it got the emotion across where it need to.

Things I didn't like: sappy! Now he's got a girl and a child to look out for. And try to have a little family in his business? Forget it!

MacGyver #4

My favourite part of this series is the behind the scenes look at how the TV series made the air.

Things I liked: Mac is always so calm. Not much phases him.

Things I didn't like: bit predictable. The brother/ sister dynamics are really overblown in this one.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Fury of Firestorm #16

Yay! Teen Titans next issue.

Things I liked: Ronnie's mom and Jason's dad keep this series rooted in the real. I like that Firestorm has problems outside of being a superhero.

Things I didn't like: hero that people think is a villain. That's just old.

Flash #16

I'm getting tired of the Gorilla story line. It's amazing how he's been doing all this in Central City while hanging out in the League.

Things I liked: as always, the art is stunning. There are so many panels that just sick me in.

Things I didn't like: where he's going with this speed force thing. I can't get behind it being an actual place.

Batman Incorporated #7

A very Damian heavy issue. I can't believe Morrison is going to kill him.

Things I liked: Nightwing comforting Squire was a fee touching few panels. The artist really captured the emotions. Damian's conversation with Alfred was special too.

Things I didn't like: Damian was too small again. He was the size of a six year old, not a gen year old.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Arrow #22


Things I liked: Ollie was actually trying to be charming.

Things I didn't like: what did he use to get the other guys to the junkyard? Twitter? Handy that those were his followers or friends that followed him. Same with Facebook. I can't think of anything that would let him send out a general Internet message.

Aquaman #16

The only problem with digital comics is that I sometimes read out of order, this is one of those times. I knew where the story was going before it got there.

Things I liked: Batman's calm in the face of extreme. Bottom of the ocean in a pod? No problem.

Things I didn't like: nothing. This was a solid issue.

All-Star Western #16

Jonah Hex is an onion. He's going to crack that nurse.

Things I liked: the shock on Constance's face when she learned that Jonah read "Pride and Prejudice" in one sitting. I think she thought he was illiterate.

Things I didn't like: the Tomahawk back up story never really drew me in.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Teen Titans #17

Something is very wrong with Red Robin.

Things I liked: they act like teens. Teens with super powers but still teens.

Things I didn't like: don't know how I feel about the new Raven. I like the classic Trigon, but not sure about Raven.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Batman: The Dark Knight #17

Trying so hard to make the Mad Hatter cool and failing miserably. The best Mad Hatter remains the Batman Animated. Although having recently seen the 1960s Mad Hatter I have to give him style points.

Things I liked: Batman trolling Commissioner Gordon. Can't trust Batman.

Things I didn't like: interchangeable goons. The Mad Hatter could show a little more originality.

Sword of Sorcery #4

This one probably would have made more sense if I'd read the Justice League Dark Annual. But I'm not willing to shell out for that one.

Things I liked: Amy's getting much better with the whole magic thing. And the responsibility that comes with it.

Things I didn't like: too closely tied to a book I don't read.

Supergirl #16

Supergirl versus the Flash. Just a boring fight issue.

Things I liked: lots of movement in the fight. Interesting in that way,

Things I didn't like: it didn't serve to advance the plot. It was just a fight. No big revelations. It was a stalling tactic

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Green Lantern: New Guardians #16

So now Kyle can use all the colours. And it only took Ganthet nearly killing him.

Things I liked: the Zamarians seem to have a much better handle on how to use their rings than the other colours. They isn't lead him in to a meaningless fight. I do think his violet costume should show more skin.

Things I didn't like: kind of preachy. Maybe if I knew Kyle better some of his memories would be more touching, but I don't.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Green Lantern: New Guardians Annual #1

So this is where Jediah Caul came from! Much is explained. He's less of a dick in Threshold.

Things I liked: Keith Giffen's dialogue is as sharp as ever. I love the way he gets characters to interact.

Things I didn't like: I know how Caul got in the game, why is his ring embedded in his chest.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Green Lantern: New Guardians #15

I missed this one too...

Things I liked: Kyle was totally bad ass in this one. I may get used to him wielding all the powers.

Things I didn't like: I hope Ganthet is playing his brothers. They killed his love and he thinks she deserved it?

Green Lantern Corps #16

I don't think Guy is going to like Simon when he finds out more about him.

Things I liked: Guy taking charge. He's turning into a more mature character.

Things I didn't like: John's out of it. His mission is completely unrelated.

Green Lantern #16

I just might like Simon Baz, but I still miss Hal Jordan.

Things I liked: B'Dg is a fun character.

Things I didn't like: that Simon has to prove he belongs by doing something none of the others can do. I really don't like that trope.

DC Universe Presents #16

The conclusion of the Blue Devil and Black Lightning team up. I'm going to miss Blue Devil at least.

Things I liked: Dan kept going on even when totally out matched. Some creative leg placement to keep the comic rated G.

Things I didn't like: still not sure what he did to the two they were fighting. It didn't look heroic.