Friday, November 30, 2012

Batman: the Dark Knight #14

It's been a whole since I've seen Batman written so wrong. I'm hoping its still the fear gas.

Things I liked: that the Scarecrow isn't all bad. It makes him less cartoony.

Things I didn't like: how unprepared and brutal Batman was. He left a little girl to die in an explosion! He shot his grappling hook through Scarecrow's jaw! That's coming a little too close to being the thing he's trying to save the city from.

Teen Titans #14

I'm a little disappointed with this one. It doesn't help that they're losing my two favourite characters to family problems.

Things I liked: this artist is really good with expressions. What the characters are feeling is very apparent.

Things I didn't like: the return of the Silent Armour happened offscreen. There was this huge buildup and then she just comes back with it on.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sword of Sorcery #1

I'm not sure about this one. I was more interested in the back up story than the main one but when I thought more about it I wanted to see where it was headed. I'll give it another chance.

Things I liked: the Beowulf story. There were a lot of little touches that make it intriging.

Things I didn't like: I don't get why Amy's mother dragged them out if Gemworld. It seems overly complex right now.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Supergirl #13

I hope Sanctuary teaches her English. I, getting tired of the dialog box.

Things I liked: I'm looking forward to the Super book crossover. I think the Bat crossover will be better but I've been waiting to see the Superboy/Superman meeting for a while now.

Things I didn't like: oh noes! Her father was experimenting in her. Apparently giving her the yellow sun powers wouldn't be enough.

Green Lantern: New Guardians #13

I'm missing something. One of the zero issues may have had important information.

Things I liked: Kyle's really taking action here. He's often very passive, but here he's doing something. Even if its for Star Sapphire.

Things I didn't like: that the Third Army will grab anyone. Soon there won't be anything left in the universe.

DC Universe Presents #13

I am a Blue Devil fan, and I'll admit, I only know Black Lightning from the Super Friends. It's an interesting combination.

Things I liked: it's time these two made an appearance in the new 52. I miss Blue Devil and Black Lightning has lots of potential.

Things I didn't like: Blue Devil's new costume is interesting, but I'm not sure where he puts his legs. The backward facing knee throws me off.

Catwoman #13

I'll admit it, this one didn't make much sense.

Things I liked: she really does know who she is and isn't afraid to admit it.

Things I didn't like: stealing giant chess pieces? That blew up with people inside? That's off. Even for Gotham.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Batwoman #13

Goodness this was wordy. It takes way longer to read this title than any other. Just drinking in the art at times.

Things I liked: wordy, but it had a lot to say. It was able to move every character forward.

Things I didn't like: not quite in sync with Wonder Woman. She's the last of the Amazons right now.

Arrow #7

He's much less deadly in the comics than he is on the show.

Things I liked: yay! Tommy! I have a feeling that there's more to him than we've seen so far.

Things I didn't like: didn't see more of Tommy. He's still a figure to show how different Oliver is now.

Nightwing #14

I believe I predicted this. I'd have to go back and check but I'm pretty sure I called Nightwing losing to Lady Shiva in their first encounter. It is his way. At least she gave him the injured excuse. He didn't have to pull it out in his defense.

Things I liked: the compliment on his grace. It a visual medium bit not moving so having other characters comment on his abilities gives a better picture of what he can do.

Things I didn't like: Joker going after Raya in prison. There are others who mean more to him.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Wonder Woman #14

The Wonder Woman here is much more confident than the one in Justice League. Must be more in her element.

Things I liked: Siraca's origin is suitable tragic to be that if one of Zeus's children. I'm wondering why Diana is harboring Hera as well.

Things I didn't like: Diana comparing her pain to Siraca's. Siraca's is dead. That trumps a lot of things.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Red Hood and the Outlaws #14

Crossover city! Clearing up a bit about Starfire and the H'El on Earth thing and then launching into Death of the Family. That's not even touching whatever it is that Roy's got going on.

Things I liked: nice to Jason's point of view again. And he's right, Superman is a jerk.

Things I didn't like: yes, Starfire has big breasts, is there a reason why her outfit has to accentuate this?

Justice League #14

Watching Superman and Wonder Woman make out over the fields of Smallville makes Batman a creeper. He at least has the excuse that Booster told him not to let it happen.

Things I liked: I actually liked Superman showing Wonder Woman his home town. It made both of them more human than I've seen for a while. And I hate Superman normally.

Things I didn't like: Batman is sort of using Cyborg as a tool. Cyborg has to stop Superman from going crazy and he has to translate. In contrast, he's becoming less human.

I feel like I should talk about the Shazam back up to this story. It's sort of the reason I don't like backups. They take up space and don't usually get the chance to really get going. This Shazam story really seems to be plodding along. It's going to come to some kind of a head soon but then I feel like they're just going to let the character sit around.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Young Justice #22

One if the best things about reading this series isvthatbit tides me over until I can watch more episodes. Especially with the way they air in Canada.

Things I liked: Batgirl and Nightwing communicating through the barrier. The bats do bring the impossible to reality, often making it look easier than you thought it was.

Things I didn't like: and this seems minor but Barbara's nickname has always been "Babs" not "Barb". It just sounds wrong.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Team 7 #1

The new 52 is only a year old and they're already having trouble with consistency. This is a neat idea, but it's just not going to work.

Things I liked: the idea of a covert organization trying to deal with the idea of metahumans.

Things I didn't like: Grifter being Grifter before the Daemonites, Deathstroke with two eyes. Things that don't fit I don't like.

Superboy #13

If I'd read this one first I think Ravagers would have made more sense.

Things I liked: there's a lot going on with Superboy and I really want to find out what they're planning to do to him.

Things I didn't like: some of the art was a little spotty. One with his hand didn't make it look like a hand at all.

The Ravagers #5

Superboy is becoming the Batman of the teen set - cant out a team together without him on it.

Things I liked: they are becoming a team. Plus, Miles Caulder. Thought it was him, but didn't recognize him without the wheelchair. Maybe more of the Doom Patrol will show up.

Things I didn't like: why did Superboy and Caitlyn have to fight?

The Phantom Stranger #1

I've always had a soft spot for the Phantom Stranger, I'm not sure this one is going to work.

Things I liked: nice to see Raven again. Some of the best Titans have been sorely missed.

Things I didn't like: I can have him confirmed to be Judas, that works. But a wife and family? That doesn't make him a stranger.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Legion Lost #13

This was a nothing issue. I'm having trouble remembering what I actually read.

Things I liked: expanding Chameleon Girl's story. They've been hinting something from the beginning; now to see what it is.

Things I didn't like: the implication of other agents that she doesn't know about. And that it could be anybody.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Green Lantern Corps #13

So the Guardians' newest army is built on the bodies of their Lanterns. This seems bad.

Things I liked: there's actually something Guy cares about more than himself.

Things I didn't like: don't like the Guardians right now.

Demon Knights #13

All if the torments make sense; except the Shining Knight.

Things I liked: Jason freed from the curse. Not so much that he was, but how badly he was handling it.

Things I didn't like: the Shining Knight's torment of being forced to choose a gender seemed so out of place with everything that's been done with her character. Failing her quest would have seemed a better choice.

Arrow #6

I was hoping they'd reveal how he learned Russian.

Things I liked: his interactions with Diggle are feeling more natural.

Things I didn't like: feel it was too early to send him away from Starling City. It's his mission right now. This could have been done without going to Moscow.

Batman and Robin #14

More zombies! Not undead zombies though, cultist zombies.

Things I liked: the last couple of pages made this story for me. All of Damian's bravado. All of Bruce's iciness. Just melted away into the two if them hugging. I felt it was so important that they did it without the masks too. It made it father and son, not Batman and Robin.

Things I didn't like: not quite sure how the Joker worked his way in here. Seems more like he took credit for someone else's work.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Batman #14

I love the way Scott Snyder writes the Joker. He's creepy like Heath Ledger but I can "hear" Mark Hamill's delivery.

Things I liked: just the premise of this arc is great. The Joker has planned this out. Skipping past the "business" part of the encounter so they could talk was insane brilliance.

Things I didn't like: that he knows. He didn't in Batgirl, but he does here. I don't like that their identities are that easy to figure out (though I did enjoy the shot at Nightwing, he and the Joker have almost as much history as he and Batman. )

Batgirl #14

The Joker is one sick man, as much as he creeps me out, Barbara's brother James may be creepier.

Things I liked: was a little worried that the Joker did know Batgirl's identity, was almost relieved when it was revealed to be James.

Things I didn't like: he asked her to marry him, really?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Worlds' Finest #5

A bridge issue. They have to have them now and then.

Things I liked: it showed how different Power Girl and the Huntress can be.

Things I didn't like: why does Karen lose her clothes every issue? Especially noticed with Helena joining women's rights.

Voltron Year One #5

Wow! This was such an intense issue.

Things I liked: Lance is almost the character that I remember. He's getting there and maybe this experience with Keith will get their relationship where I like it.

Things I didn't like: a little more info on why these aliens hate Keith and Scen in particular would have been nice. I guess they're waiting for next issue.

Swamp Thing Annual #1

It kind of feels like they're rewriting history.

Things I liked: seeing Alec before Swamp Thing. I feel like they made him a bit too much (still being a student hurts your scientific rep no matter how brilliant you are).

Things I didn't like: that he and Abby had met before it's just that neither of them remember it because of a necrotic plant. As a biologist I cannot accept a necrotic plant. Zombie plants just don't work. I've played the game, the plant protect against zombies.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Swamp Thing #13

This is sort of the same problem I had with Animal Man. I don't know how it's going to be normal.

Things I liked: I really want to see what they do with this story. With Poison Ivy working for them it points out just how few allies of the Green there are.

Things I didn't like: I like Deadman, but what does he have to do with the Green?

Superman Annual #1

I always forget how many aliens there are in the DC Universe.

Things I liked: always like seeing Superman get his ass kicked, but I was expecting him to win in the end.

Things I didn't like: very wordy issue. Sometimes seeing every thought is a distraction.

Stormwatch #13

I know who the Demon is and I know he's not some crazy kid.

Things I liked: that Apollo is trying to be a real person. He seems the most stable of the whole group.

Things I didn't like: the Demon is Jason Blood. Jason Blood is immortal because of Etrigan. It has always been this way. He shouldn't be popping out of random kids, that's not the curse.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Green Lantern #13

You know the one thing Earth doesn't need? Another freaking Green Lantern! Five is just way too many.

Things I liked: nice to see Obama recognized in the DC Universe.

Things I didn't like: I probably should have read the 0 issue, but what happened to Sinestro and Jordan. I want Hal as Green Lantern and thus series hasn't given it to me yet.

Earth 2 #5

So far this was my least favourite issue.

Things I liked: coming together against a common enemy.

Things I didn't like: the agenda of the world government.

Dial 'H' for Hero #5

Wow! This story is so much deeper than I thought it world be.

Things I liked: tied up the story arc nicely. Back to one dial ghat Nelson claims.

Things I didn't like: when nothing eats nothing you get something. I'll have to think on that one but for right now it doesn't make sense.

Arrow #5

A bomb? This is an actual development that changes the way I've been watching the show.

Things I liked: seeing Moira and Robert interact.

Things I didn't like: the Queen's Gambit was way more intact than it should have been. If she's had it four years, why is she still working with him?

Arrow #4

Yay! Useful background information!

Things I liked: I've been really curious about Diggle's background.

Things I didn't like: I wish the art was a bit crisper. I'm having trouble identifying the characters.

Arrow #3

If Na Wei had appeared in the series this would be a great intro. But she hasn't shown up yet.

Things I liked: they're trying to expand the world.

Things I didn't like: from experience; peroxide doesn't turn black hair white.

Arrow #2

They tries to do a story about the Hood without having him in it. It doesn't work as well as it does for Batman.

Things I liked: teased out a bit more about what's up with his mother.

Things I didn't like: seemed more like a story for the future when he's more established.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Arrow Special Edition #1

The man has balls, you have to give him that.

Things I liked: it felt like an Arrow episode. This is something he would take on.

Things I didn't like: does he have to leave clues to his identity everywhere? Luckily, he's not as memorable as he should be.

Arrow #1

I've really been enjoying Young Justice so I thought I'd try their other tie in.

Things I liked: a few extra bits added to the story.

Things I didn't like: seemed a little short.

Animal Man #13

Rotworld is not a good place to be.

Things I liked: how far things have fallen without the avatars.

Things I didn't like: rapid passing of time. The rest of the DC Universe is not dealing with this so I can only surmise that time travel will be involved somehow.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Detective Comics #14

As I've said; they've been doing great things with the Rogues Gallery lately. Now it's Ivy's turn.

Things I liked: the art here is stunning. From Ivy's costume to Batman's stubble at the end of the night to Damian actually looking capable.

Things I didn't like: they're trying to be internally consistent within the Bat Universe but forgot that Damian wasn't at the party because he didn't want to be. He wasn't there because he has a price on his head.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Batgirl Annual #1

Stunning. This one just looks beautiful. And it touched me.

Things I liked: Batgirl's kiss of Ricky. It was amusing. Also, her reaction to Catwoman's sacrifice. It nearly brought a year to my eye.

Things I didn't like: Talon. I don't like the idea of this character. She's going to be seen in a lot of places soon so I should get used to her.

Teen Titans #13

Finally! The origin of Wonder Girl. Now I know more about her.

Things I liked: the way the story was told. The interplay of Superboy, Red Robin and Cassandra is fun to watch.

Things I didn't like: now Amanda Waller is going to hunt down the Titans as well? Who doesn't she have on her list.

Batman the Dark Knight #13

This is the darkest I've ever seen the Scarecrow. The new 52 is really pushing the Rogue's Gallery.

Things I liked: the Scarecrow is almost to be pitied. Almost.

Things I didn't like: Batman's fear dream. I go back and forth on it. There were bits that I totally agreed with and bits that didn't feel right.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #13

I'm still not sure if Kom'ander is a hero or a villain. But hey! The Joker next issue.

Things I liked: I'm really liking Roy's narration. I hope Starfire doesn't hurt him.

Things I didn't like: very little Red Hood. I miss Jason.

Nightwing #13

Nightwing begins his search for Lady Shiva and, I expect, his ass-whopping to follow. It's his own book after all, nothing goes his way. Bruce won't help him, and won't appreciate he's trying to stop something. Same for Batgirl. I feel for the poor guy.

Things I liked: that he still has all these old contacts, like the Penguin, that kid him about his Boy Wonder days.

Things I didn't like: Batgirl really brushed him off. I get where she's coming from but she came across as a bitch.

Justice League #13

I like Oliver Queen. Shame his series just wasn't what I expected it to be.

Things I liked: the League's support of each other.

Things I didn't like: if Cheetah's scratches turned Superman, why didn't anything happen to Wonder Woman?

Young Justice #21

A story told in more than two parts! It was something that bothered me before.

Things I liked: I really liked the way Nightwing was drawn this issue. It was well captured.

Things I didn't like: the collector didn't quite collect the League's heavies. Martian Manhunter probably should have been grabbed too.

Wonder Woman #13

I wonder why Hermes wasn't invited to Apollo's party. Maybe Athena is with him.

Things I liked: I like the way the gods are interacting with the world and with each other.

Things I didn't like: I kind if figured that the little girl was a test. It was not a surprise when she "died".

Batman #13

The Joker can be one of Batman's creepiest villains if he's written properly. Scott Snyder knows how to write the Joker.

Things I liked: just the right edge to creepy the whole way through. I can't wait for this series if every issue is going to be this good.

Things I didn't like: I sort of font like Joker's plan. I'm willing to give it the benefit of doubt because this just looks awesome.

Batgirl #13

The main story was just tidying up Knightfall. A good story, but I'm really excited by what's coming.

Things I liked: little clues being placed for later.

Things I didn't like: the villains thSt are being broken out. They weren't that interesting for the most part.

Batman and Robin #13

Batman versus zombies! It's not looking good for Robin.

Things I liked: the quiet moment between father and son talking about Talia.

Things I didn't like: Damian still doesn't seem to have the right voice. It's getting better but it's not what I was used to from before.

Detective Comics #13

I'm sure I've said it before, but I'm not looking back to check, that I like Batman stories where he only appears as the subject of conversation. The back up story about how the criminal element deals with Batman was a really good example of this.

Things I liked: I like this version of the Penguin. Getting his name recognized like a boss. Great that he was targeting Bruce Wayne too. I don't know if Nightwing is close enough to contain Bruce's secret.

Things I didn't like: just a solid story. Nothing really to complain about with this one. Maybe Nightwing as just a good soldier?

Teen Titans #0

Hmm... Not sure on thus one. Great story but they change some key details of Red Robin's origin.

Things I liked: Tim is great. The detective skills are all there and they made him into a world class gymnast so it's not coming out of nowhere. I like that he's the most driven of the Robins.

Things I didn't like: he was never Robin. Out of respect for Jason is great. But it feels wrong. The other thing I've always liked about Tim is that he figured out who Batman was through Dick. Now he hasn't. It always gave Tim and Dick a real connection that Rim didn't have with the other Robins. The family doesn't seem as close.

Batman the Dark Knight #0

I was worried that Batman was going to find a reason for his parents' deaths. I like it better when there is no reason.

Things I liked: giving a time frame for his obsession. He hasn't let it go.

Things I didn't like: the cell phone picture at Bruce's graduation. Anachronistic.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Voltron Year One #4

I thought Sven was taking prescription drugs, guess I was wrong.

Things I liked: the plan was a good one. I'm very curious to see where they're going to go from here.

Things I didn't like: Sven's girlfriend being the one his team had to work with. I understand it for story purposes but the military generally frowns on it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Voltron #8

I'm still a little confused by the time jump. And I've just reread the whole series!

Things I liked: lots of intrigue in this story. I think things are not as they seem.

Things I a didn't like: not liking the art I the last two issues. It's inconsistent and blocky.

Voltron #7

It's not often I have to agree with Keith, but here I do. Don't trust Lotar.

Things I liked: good pacing, looking forward to the next issue.

Things I didn't like: Lance talking Keith down? Seems they don't know what to do with these characters.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Superman #12

So Superman feels bad about people getting hurt around him. Makes sense.

Things I liked: Clark letting loose.

Things I didn't like: those Russians really don't trust him.