Saturday, June 30, 2012

Batman Incorporated #1

You know. I don't think Damian's dead. I think Batman is using Goatboy to get further into who's trying to kill Damian.

Things I liked: I do like Grant Morrison. He has a real feel for the history of the characters.

Things I didn't like: Damian looked way too young. He's supposed to be 10 or 11. He looked 6.

Aquaman #9

No laughs in this one. Very intense.

Things I liked: giving Aquaman a bit darker past. It gives him a reason to be a jerk at times.

Things I didn't like: I want a bit more background on this Other League before Manta kills them all.

All-Star Western #9

The crossover with a Night of Owls seemed really forced in this issue. A way to get Jonah's target dead without him shooting. Sort if like Han shooting first.

Things I liked: if Jonah's not careful he might even grow to like Arkham.

Things I didn't like: the Court of Owls thing didn't work here. I appreciate that they were trying to show that the Court has a long history in Gotham. I don't think this was the way to do it.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight #10

I have to check if this is a new creative team. There's certainly a shift in how the story's being told. It's no longer a contest to see how many guest stars it can fit into the run.

Things I like: I really like when comics take the pause. Not every panel has to be filled with dialogue or action. The sequence where Batman goes in to talk to Claire was really well done. That final panel of her reaching out and taking his hand was precious.

Things I didn't like: the author doesn't have a handle on Damian. He may look like a 10 year old (usually, he looked much younger here) but he doesn't talk like one.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Teen Titans #10

The Culling is over and Red Robin asks the question we're all thinking, "Now what?". This is a nice little interlude to give the characters some time to be teens.

Things I liked: angsty, but not too angsty. They're thinking like terms but it's not devolving into emo.

Things I didn't like: the cover, once again. "Race into extinction"? More like race to teenage make out session.

Justice League #10

This new villain took them down ridiculously easy. I'm wondering where it can go from here.

Things I liked: expanding the background of these heroes a bit. I'm a fan at looking at where they came from and how it's shaped their characters.

Things I didn't like: I think that their losses should have been portrayed more graphically. As it is they're just writhing on the floor with weird colours around them. It could have been better.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Supergirl #9

Hmmm... I'm not sure where they're going with this. I don't know if I'd classify that as giving herself freely. I can't think it'll end well for Black Banshee.

Things I liked: that common people will continue to try to help her. I hope she's getting a better idea of the planet.

Things I didn't like: there's a lot of exposition in this issue. I wish more could've been shown instead of said.

Green Lantern Corps #9

Hold up, the ones that bring the charge are the ones that decide the case? That just doesn't work. John's totally being railroaded.

Things I liked: the friendship between Guy and John. Guy's becoming a much more rounded character.

Things I didn't like: the Guardians' whole plan. It doesn't make sense to purposely smear the force they've got to create a new force. Someone's going to notice the pattern.

DC Universe Presents #9

I enjoyed this issue much more than I thought I would. After the disappointment that was the Challengers of the Unknown I figured that Vandal Savage would be the story that stopped me reading. I was wrong.

Things I liked: I enjoy Vandal Savage in Demon Knights but I didn't think they'd be able to carry the same feeling here. I was right. What they have done is keep the self-assuredness that Savage is known for and add a dash of crazy. They must think something is up with him because he's in Belle Reve, but they don't think he's what he says he is.

Things I didn't like: there's a "Silence of the Lambs" vibe here that I'm not enjoying. I think there were other ways of telling the story without ripping off the plot of a movie.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Catwoman #9

Another great tie in with Night of Owls. I was wondering how Catwoman was going to cross over and I felt this was done just right. It stood on its own merits and it added to the overall story.

Things I liked: Catwoman staring down the Talon. I like the way she thinks.

Things I didn't like: I'm still not sold on Spark. He seems to just be trying to get into her pants and doesn't seem to have that much to offer to her criminal lifestyle.

Batwoman #9

It's kind of hard to keep track of who's where with what. The time stamps try to help but there's a lot going on.

Things I liked: there's some really interesting panel placement in this issue. The story has flow.

Things I didn't like: I'm sure Batwoman is not do irresistible that any lesbian within 50m cannot help but be drawn into her embrace. It's a little overdone in my opinion.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Nightwing #10

Dick sure doesn't make things easy for himself. Instead of going to Bruce with a financial opportunity he decides it would be better to hook up with the daughter of the man that murdered his parents. And I know he's going to hook up because he thinks she's cute and he's Dick Grayson. The only reason it's not a sure thing is that she's not a red head.

Things I liked: I really liked the emotion on the cover. I joke that Nightwing is the member of the Bat family to most likely end up in a puddle of his own blood but he really looks emotionally beaten too.

Things I didn't like: I feel like I just read this story. In Batman, just before the reboot, there was a story of Dick doing something with Sophia Zucco. He thought she wasn't affiliated with the mob (she was). And he thought that they might be able to have something together. Hopefully this story is different, and doesn't involve a killer whale.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #10

I can't help wondering if this is a response to the "Starfire is a bimbo" outcry from the new 52 or it was something they'd already planned. Here she's cuddling with Roy and being treated with respect by a whole crew of a spaceship.

Things I liked: Roy and Jason's relationship continues to make me happy. I still really think an appearance by Dick is needed but I like the way these characters interact.

Things I didn't like: I wonder where Jason keeps his helmet. It kind of appeared out of nowhere.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wonder Woman #10

I really like the colouring for this series. It's not often that I'd really notice something like the colour unless it was really off, but it's used to set the tone for this series in so many subtle ways.

Things I liked: the panel where Diana shoots Hades. Very nicely done.

Things I didn't like: Diana's "I love everyone" speech was a little sappy.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Young Justice #17

I wish they weren't afraid to do three part stories. The pay off just wasn't worth the set up.

Things I liked: Batman's disappearing act. Robin does try to take after his mentor.

Things I didn't like: not enough quips from Robin. He needs to be more vocal.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Superboy #9

I can't wait for this Culling storyline to come to an end. It seems like I may have to be reading things in a certain order. Even things that come out in the same week.

Things I liked: there were some great facial expressions in this issue.

Things I didn't like: the crossover is crossing over too much.

Resurrection Man #9

Amanda Waller is a bad ass. She stole his hand!

Things I liked: the interaction between the two government agencies.

Things I didn't like: Mitch seemed a little dozy this issue and I'm not sure why.

Ravagers #1

It's probably a bad sign when all the characters' names are labeled on the cover.

Things I liked: I actually enjoyed the story more than I thought I would. I expected lots to teen angst but that was kept to a minimum. I really like this new Thunder and Lightning too.

Things I didn't like: there were too many filler characters that were just there to die. I've never liked red shirts. Also, half the team on the cover buggers off in the first couple of pages.

Legion Lost #9

I don't know what's worse, that all these series are teasing the identity of Harvest, or that it really crosses into all these series.

Things I liked: Wildfire's last stand was cool. Too bad it won't actually kill him. That would have been heroic.

Things I didn't like: Harvest's plan still doesn't make sense and essentially an issue ahead because I get Teen Titans in print.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Grifter #9

Rob Liefeld presided over the demise of Hawk and Dove and I'm not confident he can take the reins here. At least he's not doing the art, and he's got someone else doing the dialogue.

Things I liked: not much to be honest. There was a lot of retreading what had come before and exposition of what will be coming but not much new.

Things I didn't like: the main point of the last issue was completely ignored. He was planning to bow out from the whole alien war thing, and now he plans to lead it? I don't buy it and I don't think I'll be buying Grifter.

Green Lantern #9

So the nine year old keeps asking which colour represents which emotion. I can never remember, there's too many of them now. Odd that the ring I could remember for compassion is essentially a penal colony.

Things I liked: Hal Jordan's "can do" attitude. He doesn't let anything stop him.

Things I didn't like: the brainwashing of the Indigo tribe. It's evil.

Demon Knights #9

All this time I thought the princesses of the city were sisters. I was not expecting lesbians waiting to marry until the city was chosen the new Camelot.

Things I liked: the various interpretations of Camelot that are being thrown around.

Things I didn't like: Etrigan's plan to sell them all to Hell. Vandal Savage's loyalty is already in question. Adding the Demon (and possibly Madame Xanadu) that mix makes me wonder why they'd ever stay together.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Batgirl #10

I sort of like that Batgirl makes mistakes. She's new to being back in the game and she doesn't have the training that Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian have had so it makes sense.

Things I liked: that they're trying to differentiate Batgirl from all the other Bats in Gotham. Batwoman is handling the supernatural. Batman and Robin are doing big crime. That leaves little crime to Batgirl. But little crime can always get bigger.

Things I didn't like: I don't know about the constant trashing of Bruce Wayne's plans for the city. There must be someone happy that he's at least trying. He doesn't have an evil reputation, just an irrelevant one.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Batman #10

The biggest problem I had with Tim Burton's Batman was that he made the Joker the man that killed Bruce Wayne's parents. Scott Snyder has been threatening to do the same here with the Court of Owls being responsible. Worse, he's given Bruce a younger brother that apparently went crazy and that's been the problem. I think Batman's origin works best when it's random violence.

Things I liked: at least the story is engaging. I think Lincoln March is probably making things up. I think Bruce has always been a single child. I'm giving Snyder the benefit of doubt.

Things I didn't like: Alfred's dad in the back up story. Actually, Martha being pregnant in the back up story is a little off for me.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Batman and Robin #10

I don't think the grotesques introduced in this issue will become a fixture in Batman's rogues' gallery. The three guys melted into one and the man whose head has been impaled by a batarang were especially unbelievable. Though I have thought it narcissistic that Batman has his symbol imprinted on his boots.

Things I liked: the banter was quite well done. It was fun to see all the Robins in one place.

Things I didn't like: Damian's taken a step back. I don't think he was still in the place where he needed to prove himself before the reboot. I am curious if Tomasi is going to continue confronting Robins in future issues though.

Worlds' Finest #1

I enjoyed Earth 2 so much when I read it earlier I had high hopes for this one. I'll admit, I'm a little disappointed. I knew Karen Starr had made an appearance in Mr. Terrific but I was hoping to get a bit more background on these heroes. Instead they pop up the same time as the first wave and know right away they're on a different world. I'm hoping that they'll look a bit more into the past with this story.

Things I liked: the Huntress. She dies feel like Batman's daughter. I also liked that she had finished with the Helena Bertonelli identity. It makes things connect.

Things I didn't like: Power Girl's costume is terrible.

Swamp Thing #9

So Abby has powers, huh? Don't know how I feel about that. I liked that she was able to keep up even though she was "only" human.

Things I liked: that the panels are completely deconstructed. There's still flow, but no boxes.

Things I didn't like: Abby being part of the Rot. I'm not liking that she was chosen to be queen, seems as if she was a set up though, and Anton is the true avatar.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Stormwatch #9

This is the most interesting use I've seen for the Red Lanterns. I don't know why he was speeding towards Earth but it did reveal some interesting aspects of the Midnighter's personality.

Things I liked: the shot of Batman at the end. I felt it was what the Midnighter aspired to be but knew he could never reach.

Things I didn't like: how can Stormwatch not have heard of the Green Lanterns?

G.I Combat #1

Nope. Still don't like war stories. Even if they're more fantastical. It's not the quality of the story. I just don't like the genre.

Things I liked: both stories were well written and the first looked almost painted. Very nice to look at.

Things I didn't like: the genre. Updating the Unknown Soldier to the Afghan war didn't work for me either.

Earth 2 #1

Oh wow! Totally not what I was expecting when I added this. I thought it would be in the past, like the Justice Society, but this is so much better.

Things I liked: almost everything. Diana's costume stood out. Helen and Karen as Robin and Supergirl. Jay Garret getting his power from Mercury.

Things I didn't like: killing Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman. I get that they're the first generation of heroes but I don't know if Flash and Green Lantern are going to be enough to hold this together.

Dial 'H' for Hero #1

I heard that they were making this part of the second wave of the new 52 and I was excited. I knew of the original series but I'd never read it. But c'mon! A dial that can change you into a hero! That's every geek's fantasy.

Things I liked: this is superbly written. I was hooked early and it kept my attention the whole way through.

Things I didn't like: so far the heroes are a little lame. Not so much their powers but definitely their names. Chimney Boy and Captain Lachrymose are not names that strike fear. Rhey're names that encourage laughter.

Animal Man #9

These are so hard to stop after one issue, especially when I know the annual and #10 are available.

Things I liked: the story is just so intense. I can't wait to see where this is going.

Things I didn't like: Cliff Baker. I've had enough of him. He needs an attitude adjustment.

Justice League International #10

Super powered terrorists, huh? I suppose it was bound to happen. I suspect we'll see something different from Lightweaver soon though. I don't think he's the killing type.

Things I liked: the human moments between characters. It's nice to see them drop the mask.

Things I didn't like: again, one of Batman and Batwing needs to go. While I'm not keen on the character, Batwing is the obvious choice.

Detective Comics #10

Gotham is full of some pretty odd villains.   But I had no idea that they'd be able to find bozos who not only have the resources to replicate the Batsuit, but were willing to blow themselves up.  The premise seems really thin, but I've been enjoying Tony Daniel's work.

Things I liked: the fight sequence in the sewer was very dynamic.  Even though there were four Batmen I always knew which one was the real one.

Things I didn't like: Bruce's touching heart to heart with Charlotte Rivers.  I know she's supposed to be the current LI but I'm just not feeling it.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Young Justice #16

A bit of one on one time for the mentors and their apprentices. At least it establishes that Barry is faster than Wally. I saw it in the show and thought that it was odd that it had never come up before.

Things I liked: seeing the mentors mentoring. It makes the world more complete.

Things I didn't like: Batman and Robin's section. Robin was too quiet. Robin, especially Dick Grayson's Robin, always has something to say.

Batman Annual #1

This was a really interesting take on Mr. Freeze. I've always found him to be one of the most sympathetic Batman characters because his base motivation is love. But the idea that Nora was never really his wife, that he completely romanticized his relationship with her makes him tip over into the pit with the rest of the Batman crazies.

Things I liked: that Mr. Freeze has always been fascinated with cold. The interludes with his mother were very sad.

Things I didn't like: the story skipped around a little. There were points we're I wasn't sure if what I was reading was the true or Mr. Freeze's fantasy.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Voltron Year One #2

Wow! This was brutal. The actions of the three on the ground (Pidge, Sven and Lance) were bloody. I never pictured them like that. I wonder if Keith and Hunk can get there too.

Things I liked: the professionalism of the team. They come across as very military.

Things I didn't like: still not fond of Lance's characterization.

Superman #8

I've been thinking about this one for a while, it was honestly pretty forgettable.  Just another alien trying to convince Superman to join him.  It is the one thing I like about Superman's back story - Jonathan and Martha Kent remain just good people who really made Clark the way he is.

Things I liked: Superman's denial of the Daemonite.

Things I didn't like: the octopus thing that he pulled out of his mouth.  Yuck.