Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Talon #5

I've been having a problem skipping issues lately. Tis makes more sense in context.

Things I liked: nice to see Gotham in context. Nothing gets by Batman.

Things I didn't like: pretty solid issue actually. It had a little bit of everything.

Superman #18

Superman should totally have a blog.

Things I liked: Superman's response to the committee. He's right, they don't have the jurisdiction. He's got a home out of country and he doesn't have to show them around, nor does he have to sure dee anything to them.

Things I didn't like: Cat's website name is terrible. The idea isn't too bad but everything else is terrible.

Fury of Firestorm #18

It's too bad this series is being cancelled. I really like the relationship between Ronnie and Jason.

Things I liked: even though I knew it was a trap I liked the set up.

Things I didn't like: kind of a leap for Multiplex to figure out Ronnie's identity. Jason I could see, but nor Ronnie.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Flash #19

Good things happening for Barry? This can't last.

Things I liked: Barry and the Trickster. The Flash has always had a pretty good relationship with his Rouges.

Things I didn't like: a sovereign nation of super criminals?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Batman Incorporated #9

Aw... Talia seems to regret Damian's death just a touch. Maybe she'll steal the body for a Lazarus Pit resurrection.

Things I liked: Nightwing cut loose. He still lost, but he lost it first.

Things I didn't like: I get the feeling that Damian's entire purpose was to die. The new 52 just interrupted it a little.

Arrow #29

And a reminder about Shado.

Things I liked: I was kind of wondering how she got on the island.

Things I didn't like: I'd still like an explanation as to why she's so kick ass.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

All-Star Western #18

Next month is Booster Gold! I'd recognize that glove anywhere.

Things I liked: Arkham's attempts to follow Hex. It perfectly summed up the relationship the two have developed.

Things I didn't like: the backup feature was largely forgettable. I'm looking forward to a western Stormwatch. I just hope it starts going somewhere.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Batman: The Dark Knight #1

See? I knew it wouldn't be good.

Things I liked: Batman dropping his pianist off was cute.

Things I didn't like: the Mad Hatter has entered Joker territory here. That's a little too much death. And Batman's taking liberties with his secret that I don't like. Neither of these moves feels like the characters that I'm used to.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Voltron #11

Intrigue and mystery, not what I remember from the cartoon.

Things I liked: this is a mature story. It's not reselling Voltron, it's picking up for the fans.

Things I didn't like: their faces always look weird when they yell.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sword of Sorcery #6

John Constantine is a dick. Not new news, but relevant.

Things I liked: I like this new young crop of heroes that they're building.

Things I didn't like: have not been enthused with the Stalker back up. I'm cpgkad the next one is the last one.

Supergirl #18

I feel like I'm missing something about Lex Luthor. I wonder if it has something to do with Brainiac.

Things I liked: looks like Power Girl is going to get involved.

Things I didn't lie: Supergirl still acts like a spoiled teen.

MacGyver #5

This was a fun read. Nostalgia runs deep.

Things I liked: totally MacGyver, yet completely modern as well.

Things I didn't: did he really have to kiss her? There was attraction indicated through the rest if the story.

Vibe #2

When Vibe finds out what's actually going on it's going to be bad for Waller.

Things I liked: the beginning here's missteps. There are so many heroes that are established it's always fun to see one finding his way.

Things I didn't like: so Gypsy's an extra dimensional princess, eh?

Green Lantern: New Guardians #18

Sigh... More First Lantern nonsense.

Things I liked: no matter what, she can't get away from Hal.

Things I didn't like: this is what she'd choose? I'm not even sure women can be fighter pilots in the US Air Force yet.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

DC Universe Presents #18

And now Starfire. It's an Outlaw run.

Things I liked: she's more rounded here. More substance than in the Outlaws.

Things I didn't like: still one dimensional. This was all about her violence.

Catwoman #18

Aw... They care for one another and don't want to admit it.

Things I liked: when Catwoman realized there was something more going on in Batman's head and pulled him out of it. He needs people like her around.

Things I didn't like: her contact knowing that he's getting her into trouble. She doesn't need people like him around.

Batwoman #18

Trouble's brewing and I like it.

Things I liked: Kate's absolute disregard for authority. She doesn't rub anyone the right way.

Things I didn't like: Maggie's willingness to give up her dreams for Kate. She's a little too easy to sway to the vigilante lifestyle.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Arrow #28

More in between episodes than we've seen for a while.

Things I liked: getting the background they don't have time for in the show. I don't know where tis idea started but it's a good one.

Things I didn't like: the cop Diggle talked to was way too free with information.

Nightwing #19

New artist and the fingertips are back. Yay! It's in red still, but that's OK.

Things I liked: good intro to a new life for Nightwing. He's got some new villains and a new complication in a room mate and a refusal to go to Bruce for anything. I like Kyle Higgins, I like tis new artist's look (though it may be a little young for Grayson). I think this could be fun.

Things I didn't like: aside from Dick Grayson looking a little young there wasn't much to not like.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #19

Amnesia? Lame.

Things I liked: Roy's path to enlightenment was amusing. It's exactly how I pictured it would go for him.

Things I didn't like: this issue picked up from an issue that hasn't been released yet. That's poor planning. Add that to the amnesia story they're going to tell and this was one of my least favourite this month.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wonder Woman #19

I'm kind of glad Orion's gone. I'll miss him but I don't think there was room for him.

Things I liked: Diana's army. I like when she has a way of pulling people together.

Things I didn't like: Poseidon and Hades conspiring. I don't like that they're playing everyone.

Justice League #19

I'm on record as saying I don't like Superman and Wonder Woman together but surely Diana knows Batman well enough that she knows what he has in the Batcave.

Things I liked: there were a lot of characters in this issue, but I felt they all had equal time.

Things I didn't like: little too easy for the guy to get in the Batcave. I'm hoping its not a clone or a Earth X Batman.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Threshold #3

The more I read of Caul, the more I like him.

Things I liked: I can't wait for all these threads to come together.

Things I didn't like: I could do without the extra cost of the Larfleeze backup.

Demon Knights #17

I thought events were moving too fast... Turns out I missed an issue.

Things I liked: Ex's conversation with Vandal Savage. They make a good pair.

Things I didn't like: the Horsewoman's conversations with her horse. The horse just seems to be too much.

Constantine #1

John Constantine is not a good man. He doesn't even try to be. This isn't quite what I was expecting but I like the mystery.

Things I liked: lots of explanation in the text boxes yet I still don't know exactly what's going on. It's a good mystery spinning out.

Things I didn't like: Sargon the Sorceress. She's not even a little original.

Arrow #27

Pretty low grade for Ollie. He must be planning to keep the top guy alive though.

Things I liked: at least the cops aren't corrupt like in Gotham.

Things I didn't like: McKenna and Lance have a vendetta for the Hood, and now they can pull in someone else? Somebody's gotta think he might not be so bad.

Batman and Robin #19

So if Red Robin guest this month and Red Hood the next, does this mean next up is Nightwing and then we either get a new Robin or Damian returns?

Thins I liked: hard not to chuckle at the absurdity. I think Tomasi planned it that way. Mi especially liked the panel after Tim blew up the lab, the silence was deafening.

Things I didn't like: seems a little extreme, even for Batman. Damian may have been the one Robin that followed him unquestioningly, but Bruce did not return that ,even if trust. I think someone feels very guilty.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Batman #19

Yay! A Batman/Superman backup. And they're talking about their friendship.

Things I liked: I like this team a lot. Scott Snyder has the right touch for Batman's dialogue and agree Capullo is able to catch subtleties in expression.

Things I didn't like: kinda saw Clayface coming. Having Bruce be a bank robber as a little too much of a tell.

Batgirl #13

Hey! A cover that almost accurately describes what's happening inside!

Things I liked: that Barbara so readily accepted her transgendered friend. I never think about it but this book is written I the States where that's still a big thing.

Things I didn't like: Commissioner Gordon knows his son is not right. Why would he suddenly turn on Batgirl?

Worlds' Finest #10

I'm still not sure how Helena found out about Damian.

Things I liked: the look in Helena's eyes when she realized Batman was coming. It conveyed that she just was not ready.

Things I didn't like: Power Girl acting like a super ex-girlfriend.

Swamp Thing #18

This feels like the end of the series. It's not, but it feels that way.

Things I liked: Abby's evolved form is pretty.

Things I didn't like: all that effort and they can never be together again?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Green Lantern #18

No! I don't want a Hal Jordan Black Lantern! I like him green.

Things I liked: the art this issue was phenomenal. The mood was captured perfectly by the colouring.

Things I didn't like: Sinestro still gets to be a Green Lantern.

Earth 2 #10

This Dr. Fate is more of a whiner than I remember.

Things I liked: Wotan does not care. He's using Jay because he's there.

Things I didn't like: antagonistic Alan Scott, seems like he should be a but more willing to go along than he is. I'd almost say they're setting up romance. Except Kendra's a girl.

Dial 'H' for Hero #10

That is the most awkward kiss ever.

Things I liked: S, I, D, E. Awesome wrinkle to the dials.

Things I didn't like: this romance seems to be coming out of nowhere. She didn't even seem to like him that much just a few issues ago.

Arrow #26

This recap is from a whole ago. Not very concurrent with the series (unless it's just showing the happiness before it all falls apart).

Things I liked: the flashbacks to before Ollie returned always help flesh out the story. It's effective in the show and it can be in the comic too.

Things I didn't like: Laurel. I don't like like character. I don't like her with Ollie. I have a feeling that her relationship with Tommy will fall apart and she'll be back with Oliver and that's a shame.

Animal Man #18

At least it wasn't all a dream, but alternate timeline is almost as bad.

Things I liked: Buddy's devotion to his family. That always comes through so strongly in this series. He does just feel like a father.

Things I didn't like: Cliff's death. It feels too much like it's been tacked on because they need to make something happen.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Detective Comics #19

I was wondering what they were going to do when their big comics started hitting milestones. Technically, this is the 900th issue of Detective Comics but they started over from one. I thought they might abandon the whole 52 idea to mark it. Instead, a giant issue like those that haven't been seen for decades. A lot more than ten cents though.

I was hoping for one big story. It's several small ones, but at least they're connected.

Things I liked: great team for this book. Writing and art were both above board. It felt special.

Things I didn't like: Nightwing just leaving the city in trouble. I know he's hot a beef with Batman, but it's out of character for him to abandon Gotham. He knew something was going on. He was wearing a mask against contagion. He left anyway. He must be livid.

Green Arrow #19

I know there's going to be that read the and think of the TV series. But Green Arrow did have this background before.

Things I liked: brutal. So brutal.

Things I didn't like: where'd the kid come from?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Talon #6

I thought something like this would happen.

Things I liked: using your daughter to keep the man occupied? Classic Casey, classic.

Things I didn't like: how could so many Talons keep appearing under Batman's nose?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Superman #17

Kara finally came to her senses!

Things I liked: Superman really let loose on H'El. He should have done that ages ago.

Things I didn't like: ugh, time travel.

Fury of Firestorm #17

Firestorm must feel popular this month. Both the Titans and the Justice League asked him to join.

Things I liked: Ronnie angst! I don't know why, but I live when bad things happen to thus character.

Things I didn't like: the team up seemed contrived. I hate when superheroes meet and the irst thing they do is fight.

The Flash #17

Well, that sort of ended with a whimper.

Things I liked: some of the panels are so creative!

Things I didn't like: and no one remembers what happened. Yet people still know that Barry's lying.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Batman Incorporated #8

Somehow I was expecting something more for the death of Robin. Death in the Family was much more epic.

Things I liked: Damian and Nightwing together. Morrison always wrote them well.

Things I didn't like: is he all the way dead? He was killed by an advanced aged clone. I feel there may be something more.

Arrow #25

Ollie must be the worst secret identity keeper ever. And his friends don't help.

Things I liked: nice recap. Seems a little early but maybe we'll find out more about the island.

Things I didn't like: the artist still can't draw Oliver.

Aquaman #17

Poor Arthur, nobody cares about him but the sea creatures.

Things I liked: the pull Aquaman feels between his roles. This is one of the few superhero comics that get into the personal lives.

Things I didn't like: the new artist. Arthur looks ugly now. Other things are great, I just don't like the way is face is drawn.

All-Star Western #17

A new backup featuring Stormwatch. I like the idea of Stormwatch, but I didn't like where the series was going.

Things I liked: I cannot get enough of the buddy story that is Jonah and Arkham. I love these two together. And Vandal Savage was only a matter of time.

Things I didn't like: the idea that Savage can carry plagues.

Teen Titans #18

Tim didn't even like Damian and he's going to use his death as a crusade? I don't tipping so.

Things I liked: good to see Superboy back with the group.

Things I didn't like: Red Robin's ends justify the means attitude. It doesn't feel like him. I still think there's something going on with him. And after the conversation with Alfred I expected that he'd reveal his name.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Batman: the Dark Knight #18

This can't be good. Every time Bruce tells a woman who he really is, she dies. I expect the same for his piano player.

Things I liked: the conversation with Tweedle Dee was amusing. Batman does have a signature move. And no, he doesn't care if it breaks you.

Things I didn't liked: sadly, it's the art. It's so inconsistent. It has great presence, like when Catwoman presses herself up against him and he breasts fold the way they're supposed to. But whenever a character is holding something it just doesn't look right. And there some posing that just isn't natural.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Voltron #10

Keith's gone a little mad.

Things I liked: that they have a life outside the lions. I feel bad for Hunk, but it was nice to see something personal.

Things I didn't like: the central command structure. Little too Power Rangers for me. I like them being in their separate lions when in Voltron form.

Sword of Sorcery #5

Now that all the pieces are in place this story just gets better.

Things I liked: I think I'm going to like this Preet.

Things I didn't like: I wish there was a guide to what Houses have what powers. I may have to wiki.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Supergirl #17

I know Wonder Woman's weapon is a lasso, but does she have to use it like that?

Things I liked: she's almost accepting the truth.

Things I didn't like: how can she not believe these people!?