Monday, April 30, 2012

All-Star Western #7

I'm glad this is still following the adventures of Jonah Hex, even though they've left Gotham.  I would hope they'd go a bit deeper into his background, and why he's such a grump, rather than continue ferrying him from adventure to adventure.

Things I liked: this is the first back up feature that I've actually liked.  It's neat to see some of these characters that I've only read about getting stories again.

Things I didn't like: I don't get the ring.  I don't know why Jonah feels that he needs to get in there to find out what's going on.  It seemed a little out of character.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Batman: the Dark Knight #8

So it looks like all my thoughts about it having to be the Mad Hatter behind everything resulted in a Mad Hatter to story to bridge the gap between the last story and Night of Owls. I wish I wasn't constantly disappointed by this title.

Things I liked: it was a nice little story, nice to see Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, but it seemed a bit rushed. It could have benefited by being two parts.

Things I didn't like: why is the White Rabbit on the cover? I thought I was finally vindicated in thinking she must be with the Mad Hatter but she didn't even appear in this issue.

Teen Titans #8

Interesting. The Culling is not an idea I thought I'd see played out in DC. It just seems a bit meaner than they'd usually go. I don't quite understand what N.O.W.E.R.E is trying to accomplish or why they want only teen metahumans but I'm willing to find out.

Things I liked: the new artist is a better fit. Cassie looks more like a teen and less like she's about to fall out of her uniform at any moment.

Things I didn't like: the covers are beginning to annoy me. I keep thinking that this must be the issue where Superboy becomes an official member but then he doesn't. I like that it's being drawn out, but I don't like the tease of the cover.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Supergirl #7

This was a good arc. She's really come a lot closer to accepting that she's not on Krypton anymore. Plus, it sets up a possible future encounter with a fifth Worldkiller.

Things I liked: her gradual control over her new powers. She's only just figuring them out so I like that she has to think about what she's doing.

Things I didn't like: they gave up too easily. They were winning. One against four the odds were in their favour, but she wounds one and they run. It was over too quick for me.

Batman #8

I sort of feel like I should have read this before I read Nightwing and Red Hood and the Outlaws.  It leads up to the event in both titles.  As for the book itself I think I'm really going to enjoy this storyline.  It has a lot of potential and hopefully the creative teams behind the whole thing can live up to the way this has started.  I haven't decided if I'm going to pick up the connecting books in titles that I don't read (there are a lot of Bat Family books).  So far I can't wait until next month to see where this is going.

Things I liked: the pull up from the manhole cover (for Gotham underground) to street level to building then roof and then to Bruce Wayne looking over the city he wanted to improve.  It's framing the story around the city.

Things I didn't like: there was some geographical fuzziness going on in Wayne Manor.  I'm not sure how the fight through the house really got them to the Batcave.  Plus, there was some surprise that Batman was Bruce Wayne, but I thought they already knew.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Justice League #8

I've always thought of Green Arrow as part of the Justice League, but I guess he's not one of the regulars. I think he'd be fun in this title though, even though he and Green Lantern are very similar. Of course, that's always been the way between Hal and Oliver.

Things I liked: the way the team looks at Batman. Flash looks at him with awe and Green Lantern looks down on him because he doesn't have any powers.

Things I didn't like: there seems to be some under political maneuvers happening here and I don't think I like it. Especially because they seem to be making Steve Trevor the villain. They've been showing a lot of Starro pictures so maybe it's all mind control.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nightwing #8

Wow! I have no idea how Nightwing will get out of this one. I don't think I've seen him with that many knives sticking out of him at once. Whenever Batman (or Alfred in this case) call him in to help he always seems to get the worst end of the stick. Things I liked: the juxtaposition with Dick in the present day and his ancestor in the early 1900s was very well done. They really have a lot in common. They both came from Haley's Circus, being the best, and end up in Gotham high society. I like that Dick was being groomed to be a Talon, it's a great way to tie this story together. Things I didn't like: I can accept that the Court of Owls knows that Nightwing is Dick Grayson, but how did they know where he'd be so that he ancestor could be the one to kill him?

Red Hood and the Outlaws #8

This is more like it.  This is the sort of things I've come to expect from Red Hood and the Outlaws - wholesale slaughter.  No holds barred and in the midst, Roy is trying to start a relationship with Kori.

Things I liked: it's just like Jason to have a story about killing every crime family in Japan.  I'm not so sure that I'd believe him as quickly as Roy seems to have done.  I'm not sure if they're trying to rewrite his history to have him trained solely by the Overcaste and ignore Talia's influence or if they're just ignoring it.

Things I didn't like: I had to go back and reread a few things.  I had trouble figuring out how Jason and Suzy ended up in the elevator.  Jason either has a death wish, or he's too reliant on Starfire being able to bail him out.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wonder Woman #8

I loved Wonder Woman's battle look.  I don't often expect her to look beautiful, but she really did this episode.  I do wonder how much Hephaestus knew.  He insisted she brought Eros' guns.  What did he expect her to do with love bullets?

Things I liked: the fight scenes were really well done.  There was plenty of movement and good use of panel.

Things I didn't like: I don't get why Hades would give up Zola for Wonder Woman.  He wanted Hera - a queen.  How is Diana a suitable substitute?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Young Justice #15

Maybe I'm too well versed on comics history to have found suspense in this story. As soon as Ocean Master was revealed I knew it was Orm. I'm sort of disappointed that he wasn't officially outed.

Things I liked: the political structure of Atlantis intrigues me. If Aquaman is king of the whole country, why are the heads of cities still called kings.

Things I didn't like: it felt rushed. It had such a good build up but really felt flat in the end.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Green Lantern Corps #7

I was very touched by this issue.  I nearly cried at the end.  It took me a minute to figure out why John was so upset in the beginning.  There are a few too many Lanterns to keep track of.

Things I liked: the emotion in this issue.  It really hit all the right points.

Things I didn't like: I can't figure out if I didn't like this because it was trite, or I liked it because it was very Guy Gardner.  His rant about why he chose to detonate the "fear bomb" and comparing it to the decisions of the US to use the atomic bombs on Japan.  I can't imagine the Guardians would even care about a moment in the history of a relatively minor planet in the whole of their universe.

DC Universe Presents #7

I was happy when Clay died in the last issue, I thought the group was too big. Ace was a classic Challenger so I was a little disappointed that he was now the villain. This issue, Ken buys it, which is a plus, but so does Prof. That's a shame. That's their entire scientific compliment, plus, Prof is a classic Challenger.

Things I liked: Red is turning into a favourite character. If he can tone down the arrogance a little, hopefully through character development, he'd be great.

Things I didn't like: I don't like Brenda. I hope that they get back in time to save Prof and Ken, both of them are better characters than Brenda. She has no reason to be on the team. She has no skills and doesn't even seem to be that interested in the adventure. Surely the ratings can't be that good that she hasn't gotten a better offer.

Catwoman #7

Catwoman stealing cars, huh? I don't know, it just seems totally out of character for her. She's a cat burglar, not just a general thief.

Things I liked: I really enjoyed the visuals on this one. The artist had a field day with expressions. There were stories written on people's faces.

Things I didn't like: looks like Catwoman is taking on a partner. Much like stealing card is not her thing, she was a little too quick to agree to a partnership.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Superboy #7

So I read the Teen Titans where they went in to rescue Superboy. Now I know why they needed to.

Things I liked: that Superboy is finally showing some independent thought and moving himself on.

Things I didn't like: I realize that Ravager is getting her own title so they have to make her look cool, but she took Superboy down really easily.

Resurrection Man #7

I'm not sure where they're trying to go with this one. I get that he wants to find out who he is, I don't get why he wants to be his bad guy self.

Things I liked: he went to Metropolis and Superman did not make an appearance.

Things I didn't like: his moment of indecision when fighting Mr. Untouchable. It was very melodramatic.

Legion Lost #7

Timber Wolf is quickly becoming one of my favourite characters. He seems to be the one that's best adapting to the current century as well.

Things I liked: that they've realized that they have to work on blending in. Looking for money and jobs should be amusing.

Things I didn't like: the artist needed to do a bit more research. I don't know much about the Kardashians but I'm pretty sure they weren't dressed like them. It was closer to Jersey Shore.

Grifter #7

This one seemed to come out of nowhere, like they really wanted the team up between Midnighter and Grifter but couldn't think if an organic way of getting it. Hopefully, it'll grow into something for both titles because right now it looks like the Midnighter thinks the crisis had been averted and the Grifter is going to ground.

Things I liked: the fight between Midnighter and Grifter was very even. Even though it was Grifter's title he didn't get the upper hand over the better fighter.

Things I didn't like: man, the Midnighter said his name a lot. Was it a mnemonic trick so he could remember everything?

Friday, April 20, 2012

Green Lantern #7

Poor Hal Jordan can't catch a break. He's trying to quit the Corps but Sinestro won't let him. And now he's going to have rescue the Corps from the Guardians. I'm not sure what part the Indigo tribe is playing here. They seem to be brainwashing former bad guys into Indigo drones. Sinestro's next on their list and I think Hal's close behind. Partly because of his current relationship to Sinestro and partly for his time as Paralax.

Things I liked: Carol grabbing her Star Sapphire ring to run and rescue Hal. If it weren't for the giant hole in her costume to expose her whole midsection I would think it was progress.

Things I didn't like: the Indigo Tribe bugs me. I hate their stupid language and I don't think they're very compassionate.

Demon Knights #7

Yay!  Vandal Savage didn't betray the team.  He just made it look like he did to get money and riches.  Maybe, it's also likely he was lying so that he had somewhere to go.  He's quite the mercenary.

Things I liked: Vandal Savage and the Demon and the ones to watch in this series.  It reads like Paul Cornell just loves putting words in their mouths.

Things I didn't like: so Alba Saram is ruled by princesses, eh?  That sounds like a poor arrangement.

Batwoman #7

Batwoman is much more on the supernatural side than I expected. The rest of the Batclan may deal with ,oysters form time to time but it seems to be all Batwoman does. At least the payoff is good, the monster she fought a few issues ago that was taken in by a mysterious figure has reappeared for a big fight scene.

Things I liked: there's a lot of sentiment in her dad talking to her injured cousin. Kate hasn't actually gone to see Bette yet, so it's nice to see her dad take over the role.

Things I didn't like: usually I love the art, here I thought it was weird that Kate was out to lunch with a fashionable young man, until I found out that the man was her girlfriend. Sure, she's got short hair, but she's not androgynous.

Awkward moment reading this issue: Mako summons Bloody Mary to be used as a monster for Medusa. He gains control of her by shouting, "I believe in Mary Worth!". I don't know if it was a joke or if the author had a moment that no one corrected. I can see it. I nearly named my son Jack Daniel.

Batman and Robin #8

The whole drama of this series so far has been about just how far Damian would go. Would he actually kill someone. Well, last issue he did. I expected that there would be a massive fallout from Batman. This is the man who knows 1000 ways to kill someone but doesn't use them. Instead, Bruce dictates a sappy message into an iPod to let Damian know that Bruce knows how he feels. He's felt the same way, he's just never acted on it before. And then they go and play with the dog. I'm a little disappointed.

Things I liked: Tomesi has the character of Alfred down. He was very Alfred in this issue when treating both Batman and Robin.

Things I didn't like: Bruce and Damian on the other hand... I don't like this sentimental Batman. I like my Dark Knight brooding. And Damian's growth as a character under Dick Grayson has been totally ignored. Dick's still been Batman, apparently he was never able to bond with Robin.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Batgirl #8

Batgirl has now confronted her guilt about being able to walk after so many people in her situation are not and her hatred towards the man who simply looked on while the Joker shot her.  Is that it for the confrontations about something that's happened in the past and maybe she could look forward to the future?  Maybe?

Things I liked: complaints about the subject matter aside, I did really enjoy the way this story read.  Simone has a talent for dialogue, including the dialogue boxes and thought balloons.  This is probably one of the wordier books that I read but it doesn't get in the way of the action.

Things I didn't like: while Batgirl was confronting the man who looked on while the Joker shot her, she was letting him bleed to death from a gunshot wound.  And revealing her secret identity.  I hope the ambulance was just really late in getting there.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Justice League International #8

What's the best way to build a superhero team? Throw adversity at them! It's the cliche. It's like the D&D campaign that starts in a bar. However, in this case it makes sense. They've already been brought together, now they have to be a team.

Things I liked: I don't follow Batwing. I tried, but it wasn't my thing. However, I do like that he's getting involved here. Batman should not be on this team. I do wonder if Booster is just used to people talking about him but not to him. He did take the critism in stride.

Things I didn't like: that the UN would pull out so fast. The UN has held on tighter to worse ideas for much longer.

Detective Comics #8

The art had such flow in this issue.  It was a joy to read and just get absorbed into each panel.

Things I liked: the story was tight.  It hummed along and didn't have the internal leaps of logic that I find can destroy the illusion of belief.  Except maybe him crashing through the wall.  But that part of Gotham isn't structurally sound so it was still possible.  I guess.

Things I didn't like: he played Scarecrow's game.  Batman just doesn't play the villain's games.  That's what makes him the Batman.  Also, a minor point, Scarecrow told him he had to deduce the next moves.  Batman was more leaping around and beating people up to get them to tell him where to go next.  It was effective, but didn't include much deduction.

Swamp Thing #7

There's something about this comic that reminds me of one I've read before. I never really followed Swamp Thing but I swear, the way Alec's conversation with Green was drawn I'm sure I've seen it before.

Things I liked: it felt like a return. Alec actually accepting the Green looks like it may take the story in a different direction.

Things I didn't like: the torture. Why would the Green care that he feel the same pain? It was creepy though, I'll give it that.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Superman #6

They're really trying to link all the super titles together, and I'll admit the only one I don't read is Action Comics but it makes. Lot of footnotes. I'm kind of looking forward to the conversation between Superman, Supergirl and Superboy.

Things I liked: the TV drama pulled into the narrative. It worked and it made sense. Sometimes that doesn't happen.

Things I didn't like: multiple mentions of the reporter's need for new pants. Once would have been more than enough. I am an adult.

Stormwatch #7

I think I may have to go and read up on Apollo's powers. I'm not sure why the tentacle monsters would grab him and take him away. I think he might be a solar battery and they want to use him as resources, but you can never tell with tentacle monsters.

Things I liked: I really liked Jack's conversation with Priyat, Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It was very visual and a great illustration of what his power is.

Things I didn't like: I hope J'ohnn's more forth coming about what gravity thieves are in the next issue because right now it makes no sense.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Savage Hawkman #6

Oops. Sometimes it's tough to be an archaeologist, just trying to find an ancient artifact brings on an army of the dead. Though it makes me think I should be reading The Walking Dead.

Things I liked: I like when the hero makes a mistake that he then has to fix. It's my favourite type of story.

Things I didn't like: the name of the occult store owner is Digby. Given Hawkman's connection to the Elongated Man, I figure it must be an homage to Raplh Digby. Except this guy is a jerk.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hawk and Dove #7

If I thought Rob Liefeld was a bad artist it was only because I hadn't been subjected to his prose.  The dialogue in this issue is so stilted.  No one actually talks the way he had these characters deliver their dialogue.  I could give him a pass for Hunter and Xyla, but not for Dawn.

Things I liked: I liked seeing Hank stand up for Dawn.  He's a better guy than people give him credit for being.

Things I didn't like: cutting off Hawk's finger (or "talon" as Hunter wanted to call it) and taking some of Dove's hair ("feathers"? Really?) to do some kind of ritual confuses me.  There's been a lot of talk about people who worship the Hawk or the Council of War.  Hawk and Dove are supposed to be equals.  Is there a counter group that worships the Dove?  Or the Council of Peace?  It's like Liefeld has forgotten one whole part of the Hawk and Dove team.

DC Universe Presents #6

This begins the Challengers of the Unknown arc for this series.  I was really looking forward to it.  I have a soft spot for the Challengers.  I never really followed them, before my time, but every time they make an appearance I've enjoyed it.  That's why I'm a little frustrated by this group.  I like the reality show aspect of it.  I can get behind that as a reason for them to get together.  The group just seems too big.  And I don't like the focus on June.  She's not adventurous enough.  She's like Willie in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, screaming at everything and being sick about monkey brains.

Things I liked: they seem to be cutting down the team by death.  I'm OK with that.

Things I didn't like: I, for one, would be freaked out if after a plane crashed I woke up in a monastery wearing something I did not have in my wardrobe.  Especially when it's a gold, cone bikini top.  The guys didn't have to suffer through the midriff baring fashions, so why the women?  Especially in the Himalayas.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Green Lantern: The New Guardians #6

This is what I don't get in the Green Lantern family of titles.  There's always a threat bigger than the ring.  It makes me wonder if the Guardians really knew what they were doing when they made the damn things.

Things I liked: Kyle's tirade at his ring to get it to do what he wanted.  The rings are getting a personality.

Things I didn't like: the whole concept of the avenging angel passing judgement is done.  I would have liked to see something different.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Fury of Firestorm #6

This one started off so well.  A big slap to the backside of the head that their actions have consequences then it deteriorated.  Some pompous "rah rah America" from Ron and some pointlessness from Jay.  I am disappointed.

Things I liked: the art was very nice here.  It was able to convey a lot of the emotions that Ronnie was feeling.

Things I didn't like: the fight, again, between Ron and Jason.  And them splitting to go their own ways.  I'm still trying to get used to Firestorm as separate entities, I don't think it needs to be split into two stories now.

The Flash #6

Whenever a science type gives the hero a warning about what they're not supposed to do, you know he's immediately going to do it.  Honestly, this whole issue was a count down to when Barry would hit 90% on the speed force meter.  If I were the science type in this position, I would be fiddling with my device to ensure that it wasn't accurate.  Just for the whole "I told you not put to push it" rant I could conflict upon my hero.

Things I liked: the awkwardness of Barry's interaction with both Patty and Iris.  I hope he'll end up with Iris eventually, but for now I'm enjoying his dating troubles.

Things I didn't like: I miss Captain Cold's guns.  Without the guns he's just another freeze villain.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Aquaman #6

I've never really been a fan of Mera.  I've always thought she wanted Aquaman to be something that he wasn't.  In the new 52 she seems to be more supportive of him, but I haven't warmed to her yet.  This story was an amusing tale of Mera going to get dog food.  It was a filler issue, but there were things revealed that I expect will have reverberations later down the road.

Things I liked: Jennifer showing up with the dog food, treats and toys.  I like to think that there would be people who would do something like this from the kindness of their hearts.

Things I didn't like: Mera seemed a little stupid here.  Sure, she's lived in Atlantis or the colony most of her life, but she must have known about some of the things she finds difficult in this issue.

Animal Man #7

Still trying to catch up to Swamp Thing so they can do the team up thing. The dream sequence was interesting. Maxine as Animal Woman raided with John Constatine and Swamp Thing. I'm not sure where it came from, but it was interesting.

Things I liked: Buddy Baker is the best dad ever. Sticking up for his son's attempt to look cool.

Things I didn't like: I really wish Cliff would get rid of the mullet, and that Buddy would find a shirt.

All-Star Western #6

Arkham actually got one over on Jonah Hex!  It's been the other way around up until this point so it was fun to see.  I like how this series is laid out.  I can see the action in my head moving much more clearly than I can for a lot of other series.  I love the pacing that's happening here.

Things I liked: looking forward to Night Hawk and Cinnamon next issue.

Things I didn't like: giant bats.  Not prehistoric, bats just can't grow as large as a bear and still be able to fly.

Teen Titans #7

This is where being a month behind in Superboy makes it a little difficult.  I'm not quite sure how he went from being a pawn of N.O.W.H.E.R.E to being captured and killed by them.  Or how the Titans found out what was happening.

I did remember that Tim is the Robin most like Batman.  He's more concerned about the big picture than the individual pieces.

Things I liked: that they remember who the Titans were before they were the Titans.  The glimpses into Bart's past (future?) and Tim's single mindedness.  Barrier is becoming a favourite.

Things I didn't like: the art is beginning to wear on me.  Especially how Cassie is drawn.  There's just a bit too much muscle definition there for me.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Batman the Dark Knight #7

Plot holes - this story has them.  I don't know.  I really like the art in this book, but the story always seems wanting.  It was an interesting idea, but there was always one thing that just didn't make sense.  Like, how was Flash able to find Batman and Bane after his run.  And how did the vial go from Flash's hand, to Batman's and then into Bane's mouth.  It just didn't make sense.

Things I liked: once again Batman picks a girlfriend with issues.  Someone should tell him.

Things I didn't like: once again Batman picks a girlfriend with issues.  Maybe it wasn't intentional but I didn't like that the dark beauty that's dating Bruce has the White Bunny as her alter ego.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Young Justice #14

This was a really good read.  None of the characters are among my favourites: Miss Martian is too one dimensionally happy, Superboy is too one dimensionally moody and Aqualad is boring.  But the authors brought them together in a story that has potential.  It's nice to see DC acknowledging that it has many versions of Atlantis that can fit into one continent.

Things I liked: again with the between the episodes.  T.O. Morrow and his accomplice digging up Firebrand directly leads into the episode Homefront.

Things I didn't like: I did not enjoy the way M'Gann's transformations were drawn.  It just didn't look right.  And that Superboy had to comment on each change in her appearance.  It felt forced.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wonder Woman #7

This one felt like something of a place holder issue while she got ready to make her trip to Hades to rescue Zola.  Unlike a lot of the place holders I read, this one was actually a really good story.

Things I liked: I continue to enjoy the characterisations of the Greek gods.  Eros came across very well this issue and the braces on Hephaestos' legs was a great touch.

Things I didn't like: I'm still coming to terms with Wonder Woman's new origins.  First she's a daughter of Zeus, now the Amazons venture out and lure men to increase their ranks.  While death by snoo snoo is more Greek, it adds a darker element to Wonder Woman that I'm trying to get used to.