Monday, December 30, 2013

Talon #10

I really enjoyed the art for this issue.  It was really dynamic.

Things I liked: Calvin goes all in.  Not to the Talons but in getting his girls free.

Things I didn't like: mixed up the timeline a little.  What happened last issue didn't make sense with what happened here.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Talon #9

I don't remember Calvin having a goatee.  I hate goatees.

Things I liked: that he's still trying to not do what they want.

Things I didn't like: yeah, that guest starred the Birds of Prey.  Really, all two panels.

Swamp Things #23

I can see Constantine drunk, just not like this.

Things I liked: Holland using his brain.  It's easy to think of him as only the monster.

Things I didn't like: not the best characterization of Constantine, it could have been any Mage.

Swamp Thing #22

So nice to see Constantine and Swamp Thing together again.

Things I liked: yes, John Constantine is a liar.

Things I didn't like: it's not like Constantine to let himself be caught.

Swamp Thing #21

Alec Holland is a very hard man to grasp.  This new team has started out well.

Things I liked: Capucine has a story I want to know.

Things I didn't like: how can an avatar be killed when it's already dead?

Superman #23

I skipped the annual.  Doesn't seem like much happened.

Things I liked: I like when Superman has to solve a problem without punching it.

Things I didn't like: I can't believe it's the Psycho Pirate.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Superman #22

This is actually more intriguing than I thought it would be.

Things I liked: the Twenty has potential.

Things I didn't like: Superman going off the deep end like that.  It seemed off.

Superman #21

Sometimes I'm reading along and something screams, "Foreshadowing!"  That never turns out well.

Things I liked: Superman musing on the perils of him being penniless.  It's something that makes him more human.

Things I didn't like: self-centered much?  Does it really have to be all about him?

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Supergirl #23

Hrm... I wonder how they'll unkill her.

Things I liked: not much really.  This was just a big battle thrown around a recap of what she's done in the last 2 years.

Things I didn't like: Cyborg Sperman as Zoe-El.

Supergirl #22

More terrible things happen to her when she's not willing to willing to give up on Krypton.

Things I liked: at least she realizes the problem.

Things I didn't like: it's just the same story.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Supergirl #21

One of these days the story is not going to start with her being stupid.

Things I liked: interesting concept.  I can't see it end well though.

Things I didn't like: she needs new motivation.  Everything is about Krypton.

Superboy #23

Psycho Pirate?  Wally and Donna are no longer in the DCU but Psycho Oirate is?

Things I liked: when Superboy actually thinks he's pretty smart.  I like that he often lets his emotions lead.

Things I didn't like: he's bad with secret identities.

Superboy #22

Superboy in high school.  This can't go well.

Things I liked: his brutal honesty is always fun to read.

Things I didn't like: why is he hanging with Dr. Psycho again?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Superboy #21

I've missed reading Superboy.

Things I liked: Superboy is snarky.

Things I didn't like: I feel like I've missed something, specifically, where did Krypto come from?

The Movement #4

I feel this grew out of the the 99% thing of last year.  It's an interesting idea but I don't see the hope in it.

Things I liked: getting to know the characters even a little but more has drawn me in a little more.

Things I didn't like: it was Virtue that I really wanted the back story on.  Though I do like Burden.

The Movement #3

I still don't get what their plan is.

Things I liked: the murder is interesting.

Things I didn't like: if their beef is with the police then they are doing something, but their power level says they should be doing so,etching else.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Movement #2

I really like Gail Simone so I'm giving this title a chance.  It's not really gripping me.

Things I liked: the relations between the characters are very interesting.  They feel real.

Things I didn't like: the motivation on the other hand... I don't get the payoff for the cops or the "heroes".

King's Watch #2

Swagger.  Flash has it.

Things I liked: everybody makes sense so far.  Using Lothar and the Phantom together neatly closes some holes.

Things I didn't like: I don't get where Dale works into this.  She's probably the hardest character to modernize.

Vibe #7

Much better.  I think the artist may hvae taken a month off.

Things I liked: Gypsey's story is slowly unraveling.

Things I didn't like: I don't like that they've made Gypsey such a focus of this story but I do like what they're trying to build.

Vibe #6

My opinion of ARGUS has diminished.  Vibe's brother should not be able to track down operatives at home.

Things I liked: I like looking for familiar faces in the inter dimensional cells.

Things I didn't like: the issue was a bit meh.  I get that's it's setting things up but it didn't really lush the story forward in a way that made sense.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Green Lantern New Guardians #23

I'm sad.  The Blue Lanterns just can't cut a break.

Things I liked: this story is driven by these issues.  The other Lantern titles have not been doing it justice.

Things I didn't like: while I don't like the spectrum, I don't think you can put the genie back in the bottle.

Green Lantern New Guardians #22

If I'd started this whole Rekic thing with these issues rather than Green Lantern I might have enjoyed it more.

Things I liked: Relic's plan actually makes sense.  That doesn't happen too often.

Things I didn't like: uh oh.  Looks like Carol and Hal may be turning into Carol and Kyle.

Green Lantern New Guardians #21

It's not often that the art inside is better than the cover.  I was pleasantly surprised.

Things I liked: Kyle grew a backbone.

Things I didn't like: these new Guardians aren't much different than the old.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Green Lantern Corps #23

Tee hee!  The Green Lanterns have a shark living in their battery.

Things I liked: nice use of the rookies.  Every Lantern gas a purpose.

Things I didn't like: that tether is awfully convenient.

Green Lantern Corps #22

Ugh!  There's actual beings to represent each lantern?

Things I liked: John takes charge.  He's turned into such a with it character.

Things I didn't like: I really doubt that Kyle will actually be able to help.